Truck Side Advertising FAQ's

Got Questions?

Getting started is easy with our fleet of over 15,000 trucks across the United States. Read our FAQs and give us a shout if you have any questions about truck side advertising

  • Where does my truck side advertisement travel to everyday?

    Our network of truck side advertisements are drivers who do 8-10 hour deliveries in their local area. we've partnered with owner/operators who meet our strict driver criteria, ensuring your ad is being delivered to your target audience.

  • How long does a truck side advertisement run for?

    Our truck side advertisements are displayed every day for a minimum of 8 hours and a max run time of 11 hours, trackable via your truck side advertising mobile billboard GPS portal.

  • Do I have to make my own billboard artwork?

    No! Our in-house creative team can craft a bold advertisement that empowers your target audience to take action. Utilize the most powerful OOH medium to capture your target audience before they make a purchase decision, not after.

  • Is their a minimum/maximum number of truck side ads I can get?

    You can order a minimum of 1 truck side advertisement and a maximum of available units in the area you would like to run your ad campaign.

  • What cities does truck side advertising service?

    Our massive truck side advertising fleet services all 50 states and most cities throughout the U.S. for precise inventory contact truck side advertising at: hello@trucksideadvertising or give a call / send us a message.

  • What does truck side advertising cost?

    Pricing is different for every city. Contact us to see availability and pricing in your market

  • How do I know where my truck ad goes?

    Your truck side advertising campaign comes with access to our 24/7 GPS tracking dashboard. We go beyond GPS tracking and deliver impression results and demographic insights through Rolling Adz Beacon Technology

Still Got Questions?

Get in touch with a truck side advertising specialist today!

Advertising With Proven Results.

Is your OOH Media campaign getting the attention you need? Truck side advertising is notorious for its ability to convey a lasting impression. Our truck ads drive before, during and after peak traffic hours with your massive advertisement being seen from all angles.

Truck side advertising continues to lead the way in out of home advertising by driving in the face of your customers. Mobile billboards boost name recognition 15 times greater than any other form of advertising. – European Outdoor Advertising Assoc.

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